When it works and when it doesn't...

When it works

and when it doesn't...

When it works and when it doesn't...

Taking personal responsibility for your life, your trauma and your recovery is your choice and yours alone.

Failure to do your personal daily SOOR program means you are potentially going to default back to old behaviour. Long term failure means we will not be given a second chance as there is only ONE "single opportunity” for you to work with us.

If you pass the SOOR human profiling test and we admit you into the program then you will practice your personal SOOR program each and every day at dawn.

Our team does not have the capacity to deliver the program en mass and so your bespoke treatment and program is solely built for you and you alone. Once you are in the cycle of programming you will be profiled and measured every 3 months by our our team and we will provide you with your "Ground Truth" document that shows that you have changed materially as a human being.

When you work it, it works...

My name is Adam and I have struggled with addiction to alcohol and cocaine.

My life was spiralling out of control and I felt like he was trapped in a never-ending cycle of pain and suffering. I was a shell of myself, sad and irritable, and completely under the control of these substances. I didn't want to get help. I wanted to keep doing what I was doing, until my wife had enough of my destructive behaviour and begged me to seek help.

Reluctantly, I agreed to meet with a man named Andrew, who my father had suggested could help me, and who had a high-impact vocal reprogramming program called the SOOR that could help me overcome this addiction and pain.

At first, I was sceptical about the program, but I decided to give it a chance. Each morning, I work my vocal SOOR program, relived my traumatic memories, speak aloud about my past, present, and future, list the people I am grateful for and people who had impacted my life and I take time to meditate and focus on my breathing.

As the days and weeks went by, I began to feel a sense of peace and clarity that I had never experienced before. I cut ties with my past trauma and forgave myself and others for past mistakes. I visualised a happy future for myself, and I made a commitment to live in the present and work towards my goals.

Over time, my addiction began to lose its grip on me. I no longer felt the urge to drink or use drugs, and I was able to spend my time and energy on things that truly mattered. I have reconnected with my family and friends, and I found joy in the simple pleasures of life.

Looking back on my journey so far, I realised that meeting Andrew and starting to practice my SOOR program each day had been the best decision I had ever made.

Thanks to the team at the SOOR, Andrew's support throughout the program and my own hard work, I am overcoming my addiction and finding true happiness and peace in my life.

When you stop working it then it stops working for you…

My name is Fraser, growing up my childhood was very disjointed and stressful, with my dad being an alcoholic at the time who became aggressive.

As I became a teenager I started drinking and always in heavy volumes, throughout my school years and onto university I consistently drank to an extreme point, then when I entered yachting industry which is notorious for heavy drinking it consumed me and the company I worked for more or less encouraged it amongst their staff. Only when I entered the Superyacht industry did I fully realise I had a problem with alcohol, my captain at the time was kind enough to see that I had a problem and was willing to help me himself, and through introducing me to Andrew.

My first conversation with Andrew was extremely eye opening and was the first time I had someone understand what I was saying fully with no judgement. Andrew introduced me to the programme which I initially did first thing in the morning and migrated to the evening, (I am back to a morning session now) I wake up, go outside sit in whatever weather there is and go through my session in my head along with meditation, it altered my life for 11 months of sobriety for the first time in my life with no more worries, awful hangovers, anxiety and stresses that would come from the issues I would encounter because of drinking, my life was greatly improved.

But the grip alcohol has on my brain is strong and made me think that I would be fine if I just had a few drinks again, this was not the case and few turned into many and many, how prevalent alcohol use is in yachting slipped back into my life recently and I stopped doing my sessions which caused me to start to spiral out again which was very unpleasant. I have since started doing my sessions again and I am back on track and will do all I can to stay on this path as it is far healthier, and I am much happier without the need for alcohol in my life. One day I aspire to be a captain and I know that alcohol will not help me to achieve this goal. My addiction will always be there, but it is about building a wall around it in my mind and through Andrews programme it really can help you do this.

I am very grateful to Andrew for giving me his time to help me and introducing me to his programme.

Building Concrete Solutions

The SOOR program set the foundation of my recovery.

My name is Dom and through this program, I gained control of my anxieties and triggers, all whilst developing habits that I feel, and am confident, will lead to my long-term success.

I am also truly thankful to Andy for his commitment and kindness - he, his team and the SOOR program helped me get my life back. 

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race and culture judgemental free space.

Your privacy is paramount to us and we are a gender, race and culture judgemental free space.

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